Since November of last year (roughly) I’ve noticed that the Plex Media Server app doesn’t ever show that there are updates available. I’ve manually reinstalled the latest server copy several times and it still hasn’t updated automatically. I found a solution that resolves this.

On macOS you have to delete a preference key for the last time the server was updated. A borked version got released which had a higher numerical value causing the server to never find an update.

1. Quit the Plex Media Server app by clicking on the icon in the menu bar and clicking Quit.
2. Open in Applications, Utilities.
3. Optionally first check to see if you have a value stored for that key by typing:
[code]defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/com.plexapp.plexmediaserver ButlerTaskUpdateVersionSkipped[/code]
and hit enter.
4. Next delete the key by typing:
[code]defaults delete ~/Library/Preferences/com.plexapp.plexmediaserver ButlerTaskUpdateVersionSkipped[/code]
and hit enter.
5. Re-launch Plex Media Server.

Your Plex Media Server should now properly indicate when an update is available.