Tag: error
While updating a few apps today, the Apple App Store is giving me this super helpful error message.

Temporarily Unavailable – This feature is temporarily unavailable. Try again later.
I hadn’t realized updating/installing apps was a feature!
I’m submitting a new version of my Migraine Diary App to the App Store and was running into problems with Xcode 4 giving me the following error: “[Your App Name] does not contain a single-bundle application or contains multiple products. Please select another archive, or adjust your scheme to create a single-bundle application.”
There is an issue or maybe it’s an intentional design thing with Xcode 4 and how it handles statically built libraries being included in your project. I’m specifically using Core Plot and it’s instruction set hasn’t been updated for Xcode 4 yet. Here are the things I had to do to get Core Plot to bundle correctly with my App to submit it:
- Click on the Core Plot project which should be a child of your App’s project.
- Click on the Project CorePlot-CocoaTouch and go to the Build Settings. Set “Skip Install” to Yes.
- Click on the CorePlot-CocoaTouch target and set “Skip Install” to Yes.
- Click Build Phases and under Copy Headers, move all of the Public and Private entries to the Project section.
You should then be able to build your project for Archive and submit to Apple.
Thanks to Apple Dev Forums – https://devforums.apple.com/thread/86137